So I got in this big fight with my mom during the holidays with the rest of the family around. I was around 15. She was basically putting words in my mouth and in my infinite vocal grace that 17 years later has not remedied I tried putting two different things together and screamed "THINK YOUR OWN MIND" at her.. vibrators So I didn't talk to him for a week, but he texted me last night wanted to know how my fourth of July was, that kind of stuff. I was feeling ok talking to him, but then he sent me a text that was like "me cheap sex toys and my girl freind, and my freinds" and I felt like he was just rubbing things in my face. Later last night I sent him a text telling him how crappy that made me feel, but I'm not sure if he got it, b/c he never responded. vibrators sex toys Would be on Tinder too, getting few to no matches; he would try to lift frames and develop a big long and thick personality, to no avail. Sometimes he would get a pity fuck but to be ...